Tuesday, July 14, 2015. My last post. Blimey! Almost a whole year without a single new blog post. Honestly, where does the time go?!
Since starting the next chapter of my life at sixth form and beginning A Levels, free time has been something I have been rather short of- hence the reason I somewhat drifted away from my blog.
I really don't think I expected just how much of a step up A Levels are from GCSE's. The work load plus the amount you have to learn and complete is such an increase from anything previously done. However, this probably doesn't not go for many people but I have actually really enjoyed my first year of A Levels. I honestly love all the subjects I have taken and, although the work load has been signifcantly more, I have found it extremely rewarding.
The subjects I took were English Lit, Drama, Music and Religious Studies. I currently have 3 exams left before I finish for half-term and then go back to start the second part of my A Levels.
I have also been getting involved in a whole stack of performing. In September I played Meg in a Production of Phantom of the Opera which was soon much fun. I also joined a new dance school which was one of the best things I have ever decided to do and I'm so so glad I did. I had my first dance show with them a couple of weeks ago.
I am also going to be playing Miss Adelaide in a production of 'Guys and Dolls' which I am sooo excited for!
I have so many exciting adventures just around the corner and I am honestly so grateful for everyone in my life at the minute.
I am going to try my best to make my blog posts much more frequent. As soon as exams are over a lot more posts should be appearing so keep your eyes open for them!
If anyone else is currently doing A Levels how are you finding them?
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